Intellectual Property | Copyrights/Trademarks |
Corporate and Business Law | Luxury Assets

Weston, Florida | Broward: (954) 533-1733 | Dade: (305) 971-9474

Intellectual Property | Copyrights/Trademarks |
Corporate and Business Law | Luxury Assets

Weston, Florida | Broward: (954) 533-1733 | Dade: (305) 971-9474

Intellectual Property | Copyrights/Trademarks |
Corporate and Business Law | Luxury Assets

Weston, Florida | Broward: (954) 533-1733 |
Dade: (305) 971-9474

Rhode Island Federal Courts – A History

The very first U.S. Supreme Court decision was West v. Barnes, a federal court case from Rhode Island. That case involved no less than three Rhode Island judges and had more twists and turns than a Grand Prix race course. It represents just one superb example of the fertile and fascinating history of the federal

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Grower’s Guide to U.S. Plant Patents

What is a U.S. Plant Patent? A U.S. Plant Patent is a patent issued for a newly invented strain of an asexually reproducing plant. United States Patent Law provides for the issuance of a U.S. Letters Patent to anyone who has invented or discovered, and asexually reproduced, any distinct and new variety of plant. What

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Patents in Paradise, Tropical Trademarks, and Caribbean Copyrights

The timeless and sagely advice to the effect that “[w]hen in Rome, do as the Roman do,” also serves as prudent counsel for trademark practitioners serving a client’s needs in United States territories and possessions. Arrogantly, or passively, assuming that a federal registration is preferable and sufficient in every situation may not provide maximum protection

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Federal Courts in Puerto Rico

Introduction This year’s Federal Bar Association Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place in San Juan, Puerto Rico on September 26-28, 2013. It would, therefore, appear to be appropriate for us to familiarize ourselves with at least a rudimentary knowledge of the unique background and rich judicial history of the Federal District Courts in the

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Legal Protections for the Fresh-Cut Flower Industry, Floriculture, and Floral Businesses

“Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen The Miami law firm of Henkel & Cohen, P.A. represents breeders, distributors, exporters, growers, importers, retailers, and on-line businesses in the floriculture and agricultureproduce industries. Schedule an appointment to discuss your business needs and legal interests. You say

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Copyrights: Bigger & Better Bang for your Business Bucks

Business owners may not fully appreciate the importance of copyrights. The purpose of this article is to offer a general overview of copyright law and how it can be relevant to most businesses. Let us now suppose that you have $35 to spend on your business today. Where could you best spend it? For this

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Question: What’s on the Franchise Menu?

Answer: Traps, Pitfalls, Summons and a Lawsuit on a Sesame Seed Bun Introduction Any franchise relationship has the potential of turning bitter, and ultimately going sour. For some Franchisees, separating themselves from the Franchisor and the franchise system, is a very appetizing idea. Escaping the Franchisor’s bountiful table, however, may not be a cakewalk. However,

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The Zen of Being ®: U.S. Trademark Registration Advantages A to Z

The brand designation, mark, or name of your Florida company can, and should, be your company’s most valuable asset. How much can a brand be worth? Consider this: according to Interbrand’s March 2011 Report, among the world’s most valuable brands are the following: Coca-Cola ®, $70 Billion; IBM ®, $65 Billion; Microsoft ®, $61 Billion;

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